Step 3: Notify/Callback
After the completion of the payment on the SuperApp, the payment notification (callback) will be sent to the end point that you passed on the createOrder request notify_url parameter in a post method. This endpoint must be whitelisted and configured on the SuperApp server in order to be sent properly. Here is a sample of the payment notification(callback)
Example HTTP Response (200: Processed successful)
notify_url: '',
appid: '853694808089634',
notify_time: '1670575472482',
merch_code: '245445',
merch_order_id: '1670575560882',
payment_order_id: '00801104C911443200001002',
total_amount: '10.00',
trans_currency: 'ETB',
trade_status: 'Completed',
trans_end_time: '1670575472000',
sign: 'AOwWQF0QDg0jzzs5otLYOunoR65GGgC3hyr+oYn8mm1Qph6Een7C…',
sign_type: 'SHA256WithRSA'